Poliklinika "Paunković"
tel. +381 19 44 31 33  |  ul. Timočke bune 4, Zaječar  |  e-mail: poliklinika.paunkovic@gmail.com


Radno vreme:
spec. ambulante




Jane Paunković
  Jane Paunković
Address: Javorska 5, 19 000 Zajecar, Serbia and Montenegro
Telephone: home ++ 381 19 425810, at the office ++381 19 430 801, mob  +381643217770
E-mail: janep@fulbrightweb.org , janep58@yahoo.com , paunkovi@hawaii.edu
1993 Doctor of Medical Science – Molecular Endocrinology
Dissertation at Medical Faculty, University in Belgrade: “Measurements of post receptor effects in thyrocytes “in vitro” after stimulation of the thyrotropin receptor “
1982 - 1986 Medical Faculty , Nis, Serbia
Specialization in  Medical Biochemistry: “Radio receptor Assay for insulin receptors on erythrocytes”
1975 - 1979 Faculty of Natural Sciences, Molecular Biology and Physiology, Belgrade University, Serbia
Employment Experience:
2000 - present

Faculty of Management Zajecar, Associate Professor teaching: Health Systems to undergraduate students
Health Promotion at postgraduate studies of Health Management  and since

2002 - present Project management coordinator   and development of International cooperation
2000 - present

Medical Faculty , Belgrade University; Scientific Associate. Dept. of Endocrinology Project development and research
Writing scientific papers and presenting at international and national conferences

1984 - 2006

Medical Center Zajecar; Head of “In vitro and Metabolic disease” Section of Nuclear Medicine Department  supervising different laboratory techniques, developing new methods participating in clinical trails to establish new diagnostic and therapy procedures

1980 - 1984 Head of Clinical Biochemistry Lab. Medical Center Bor
Research Experience:
2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant, College of Business Administration , University of Hawaii, Manoa, USA
2004 Visiting Faculty -  Ecole de Management  Grenoble, France
2002 Research Visit - Frankfurt University, Molecular Genetics, Germany
1998 Contemporary Methods in Molecular Biology, Institute for Molecular Genetics
1994 Post Doctoral Research  at University of Kyoto, Japan
1985 Training in Radiopharmaceuticals, European Nuclear Medicine Society, Berlin
1984 Training in Radio-immuno Assays, Atomic Institute Vinca, Belgrade
Research Projects:

Green and safety forests along the Bučgarian-Serbinan border – our common treasure (BG 2004/017-785.01.01/Grants SER01/02/001-04SER01/11/066

2002 - present Environmental and Genetic Factors Contributing to the Significant Increase of Basedow Graves’ Disease in East Serbia in the Period From 1994 to 1996 (supported by DAAD and University of Frankfurt)
2001 Investigation of iodine status in Timok Region (Thyromobil Yugoslavia) (supported by ICCIDD, UNICEF,  MERCK KgA Germany)
1998 - present Clinical application TSH-receptor (TRAb) auto- antibodies determination (supported by BRAHMS Institute, Berlin)
1994 Development and application of test for  thyro-stimulatory antibodies in thyroid cell suspension (supported by Kyoto University Hospital)
1986 - 1990 Development of Radioreceptors technique Identification Number: F.3.0 755 (Foundation of technical development of Serbia)
Professional Societies:
since 2004 Reviewer for Journal of Nutrition
  Member of American Association for Diabetes
2000 - present European Thyroid Association; Group for Regional Activities (responsible for research development in East and Central Europe)
1998 - 2002 Secretary of Nuclear Medicine Society of Yugoslavia
1992 - present Member of Endocrinology Society of Yugoslavia
2002 Member of Initiative Committee for Serbian Thyroid Club
Honors and Awards:
2005 Fulbright Visiting Scholar Grant, College of Business Administration , University of Hawaii, Manoa
2004 IMG TEMPUS Award
2003 Curriculum Resource Center of the Central European University, Course Development  Competition 2003 Award
2002 Annual Award of Zajecar County for Special Contribution to Medical research
2001 Annual Award of Clinical Center of Serbia for organization of project for Iodine Assessment in Serbia
1998 Nuclear medicine Society of Yugoslavia Award   “ The Best paper published in International Journals for year 1998”
Selected Activities:
1998 - present Executive director of the Board of “Anti-cancer society”
1996 - present Board Member of “Society of Japanese – Serbian” friendship
1999 - present Advisory Board Member to national Society of nutrition
2000 - present Board Member of Society for Environmental protection in Zajecar
1990 - present Editorial Board Member Medical Journal of Timok region
Language Proficiency:
  Serbian (Croatian, Bosnian) - mother tongue
  English - mother tongue
  Bulgarian, Macedonian - good working knowledge
  Romanian - good working knowledge
  German, Spanish, French - basic
Copyright © 2008, Poliklinika "Paunković", all rights reserved